While having a quick glance at the TV listings the other day I noticed that new cop show The Closer was starting on five. Having just completed watching the whole first series which has just rapped in the States I thought I’d give it a quick review.
Staring Kyra Sedgwick (Born on the Forth of July, Phenomenon) the series follows Deputy Police Chief Brenda Johnson a CIA-trained, Atlanta detective who has been brought to Los Angeles to head up the

Boasting not only Sedgwick’s great performance, The Closer also has a fantastic supporting cast. Brenda’s chief ally and boss Will Pope (left) played by the great J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jamieson in Spider-Man) adds weight to the show and

Despite great performances from the cast and from Sedgwick, Simmons and Bailey in particular The Closer just can’t compete with superior shows of the same genre. Lacking the grit and grime of The Shield, another cop show set in L.A., failing to acknowledge the extent of internal police politics can have on major cases, as shown in The Wire. At the moment The Closer is best viewed when no other shows are on, but, all it needs are a few minor tweaks to gain an extra star.